New & Updated For 2019
The Investment Quadrant 3.0
“You Can Now Consistently Make Money From Stocks
When You Copy This Winning, Easy-To-Follow Investing System
That’s Generating More Than 7-Figures In Investing Profits.”
With a Winning Stock Pick of 72.2% Across 6 Different Countries,
It Is The Proven Method To Grow Your Wealth – SAFELY…
Dear Friend,
Are you sick and tired of making little to no returns from the stock market?
Or have you ever wondered why and how some investors are raking in crazy returns like 60%, 100% or even 300% from the stocks they invest in?
Have you ever wondered if all this is really possible?

Now if these are the kind of returns you want to fill your portfolio with in the next 5 to 10 years... then you might want to pay close attention to what you're about to read...
Because by the end of this letter, you'll finally understand why and how some people are making bigger, better profits than others in the stock market -- and you'll also get the chance to discover how to replicate and bring in the same mind-boggling results for yourself.
In fact, we're about to show you our proven system that we have been using for years to double or triple our money in the investments we've made...
But before we show you how...
Here's a Little Back Story On
How This Is Going To Help
For a start, we once used this formula to help turn around and transform a negative $400,000 stock portfolio into one with over $2 million in profits within just two years...
Today, we are still using this same formula to run our private investment fund and it has already generated more than 6 figures in investment profits over a span of just three years...
This formula is also the very foundation of how The Fifth Person's investment research process is built...
And we want to hold you by the hand and walk you through how earning returns from the stock market is done.
In fact,
- You don't need any prior experience in investing
- You don't need to be a genius in maths
- You don't need to figure out complicated charts or price patterns
- You don't need to sit by your computer and monitor stock prices
- You don't need to have a lot of money to get started...
The formula works.
And it truly is...
The Simplest & Safest Way
You Can Use To Reap Massive Profits From The Stock Market
If you want to safely make a lot of money from the stock market, you need to look for companies that are fundamentally strong and growing at speed -- and not companies that have reached their point of saturation.
Over our many years investing in the stock market, we have developed a proprietary formula that helps you find value-growth stocks that actually make you huge capital returns.
Yup, stocks that are a combination of Value and Growth.
Growth gives you the Gains.
Value provides your Safety Net.
Using this formula, we know, with a high degree of certainty, that these stocks are going to be highly profitable over the long run.
Here are some examples....

+47% Return on Investment
Armstrong is an industrial engineering company. Using the strategies taught in this course, we invested in the stock at an average price of $0.27.
In 2013, because the company was so profitable, it was bought and privatized at $0.40 -- giving us a +47% return on investment.

+301% Return on Investment
BreadTalk is a high growth food & beverage company. We noticed its strong competitive advantage and discovered an overlooked "loophole" in their financial statements -- one that's almost invisible to the naked eye (we'll show you how we spot this in the course).
Obviously, we bought the stock, and it's been 6 years since and this company has since QUADRUPLED our initial capital, giving us a whopping +301% return on investment.

+300% Return on Investment
Hartalega is a company that serves the medical industry. They are the market leader in its niche and its products have an amazing competitive advantage.
Knowing it's a recession-proof business, we invested into the company and within two years, the stock price skyrocketed by +300%! Not only that, we received an annual 5% dividend yield as well.

+243.5% Return on Investment
Super Group is a company that deals with food commodities. When looking through their annual reports, we discovered that one of their business segments was growing rapidly year after year.
We invested in the stock at $1.80 and in less than two years, this stock gave us an impressive return on investment of +243.5%! Yup, you've guessed it... we sold and pocketed the profits, more than doubling our money in the process.
And That's Just a Tiny Sample...
We also have...
- Yahoo Inc – +106% ROI
- Neo Group – +80.7% ROI
- Boustead – +121% ROI
- Centurion – +234% ROI
- Soup Restaurant – +63% ROI
- Cocoa Land Holdings – +65% ROI
Different industries...
Similar results.
Because the formula works.
Want More Examples?
- Cross Harbour – +92% ROI
- ARA Asset Management – +61% ROI
- Japan Food – +176% ROI
- Major Cineplex – +102% ROI
And still... this list is not exhaustive.
We also have plenty of winners that average between 20% - 40% in R.O.I that we are still holding onto in our portfolio... which we will reveal when we finally sell them for massive gains.
What we're trying to say is...
If you were to follow the system laid out in the course and discover exactly how to find and locate winners, you can literally design your own financial future by piggybacking on their growth.
- How much more money you want to make...
- Have a more secure, no-money worries, happy retirement
- A more exciting and fulfilling lifestyle -- vacations, more time with family
- Leaving a lasting legacy for your children and children's children...
- Contribute to society by building hospitals, schools and supporting charities...
- And much much more...
I'm telling you...
This Truly Is The Ultimate Wealth Creator
And What It Can Do Can't Be Measured In Dollars & Cents
I'm not kidding....
Now (unlike some other "self-proclaimed" gurus), we're not saying that you are going to become the next Warren Buffett, or become the next billionaire or earn a few hundred million by the time you retire...
I hate to burst the bubble, because, most likely you won't.
But if you were to look at the Forbes 400 self made billionaires, you'll realize that most of them made their fortune through equity (stock) investing.

That's ...
- 1.5x more likely than starting a "tech" firm...
- 3.5x more likely than owning real estate...
- 5x more likely than running a thriving food & beverage business...
- and 7.7x more likely than owning a sports team...
Yup, these are facts...
And you can either accept them and use it to your advantage, or continue to fruitlessly search for the next magic bullet (which doesn't exist) by jumping from seminar to seminar (wasting thousands of dollars in the process) trying to make your money.
Frankly, this is your chance to finally shut out all the noise and use something that really works...
A chance to use something to grow and multiply your wealth with very little risk...
Yup, we've said it...
"With Very Little Risk..."
Because With A Winning Stock Pick of 72.2% Across 6 Countries,
You Really Can't Go Wrong With This Formula
How do you like the sound of that?
Gain Direct Access To Our Proven
Step-By-Step Value-Growth System
Gain Direct Access To Our Proven Step-By-Step
Value-Growth System
Here's how this is going to work....
You see, we've created a complete online training course on Value-Growth Investing. It is packed with the latest cutting-edge information that's going to bring you from a complete novice to a highly successful investor that's making real money in the stock market.
The course is called The Investment Quadrant, and it is the formula that has helped us and many of our students build their net worth through investing... (and as you are about to see, it's gonna work for you too).
The entire investment quadrant course is split into 9 different modules to show you step-by-step how to identify, analyze, and pick the best value-growth stocks to grow your money with.

In the member's-only area, you'll gain full access to our training modules where we walk you through all the steps you need to become a successful, profitable investor.
Here's what you get when you enroll as part of this exclusive Investment Quadrant community:
The Complete, Step-By-Step
Investment Quadrant System
($997 Value)

Module 1: Investor Psychology
The Mindset of Successful Investors
To become a successful investor, you need to think like one. In this module, you’ll go through what we call a “brain hack”. We’ll show you what goes through the minds of successful investors and how to model their thought process so you will be almost unbeatable when it comes to picking winning stock investments. In fact, this is the module that’ll instantly make you better than 90% of investors out there. Yes, it’s that powerful.

Module 2: The Investment Quadrant
The 4-Step Formula To Investing Success
This is the module where all the magic starts. You’ll discover the exact investment formula we use to make (lots of) money from investing. If you think investing only works for geniuses, wait till you’ve gone through this module. You’ll realize that anyone can make 15% - 20% annual returns from their investments just by following this formula.

Module 3: The Business Model
How To Pick The Best Companies In The World
Everyone wants winning stocks that’ll give them huge returns. This is the module where we’ll cover everything you need to know about picking the right companies to invest in. This module will show how to identify the companies with a superior business model, strong competitive advantage and powerful growth drivers. By the end of this module, you’ll know which companies will give you the lowest risk AND highest potential returns for years and years to come.
Multi-baggers anyone?

Module 4: Management Assessment
How To Evaluate a Company's CEO and Management
Usually the best investments are the companies that have the best and most talented leadership at its helm. Just like how Apple became the tech behemoth today based on Steve Job’s legendary vision and leadership, you also need to pick companies with a CEO and management team that can lead a company (and its stock price) to greater heights. A management team that is committed to creating value for its customers, shareholders and society at large will almost always lead a business to higher growth, revenue and profits.

Module 5: Financials
How To Laser-Read Financial Statements Lightning Fast
This is the part where most people without a financial background get confused. Or you might feel intimidated staring at all those numbers on a financial statement. Fret not! We know that some people might need more time here so we’ll guide you every step of the way on how to “laser-read” a company’s financial statements and pick out only the vital information you need to know. We’ve trimmed and filtered all the excess fat so you don’t have to waste your time poring over every extra detail. In fact, we’ve made everything so simple and straight-to-the-point that once you’ve gone through this module, reading a company’s financials will be child’s play.

Module 6: Valuation
How To Accurately Value a Stock ($$$)
Want to know if a stock is undervalued or overpriced? You’ll know once you’ve gone through this module. Here we’ll cover the various methods on how to value a stock. By the end of it, you’ll know exactly the right valuation methods to apply to the right companies in the right investment situations. Can you imagine how hard it is not to make money if you know that a stock is worth $20 but is selling for only $10 in the stock market? It’s the same as buying a million-dollar house for only half that. You can’t help but make money when you know you’ve got a good deal.

Module 7: Stock Screening
Look Over Our Shoulders How To Screen For Great Companies Fast
If you think it’s going to take luck or opportunity to discover great companies to invest in, then this module will definitely come in handy. We’ll show you a simple short-cut to screen the winners from the losers. We’ll show you how to create a shortlist of great companies in 3 simple steps. Saving you tons of time and narrowing your focus on the best possible stocks to profit from.

Module 8: Entry & Exit Strategies
How To Know When It's The Best Time To Buy/Sell a Stock
I would sum this up in three words: Profit, profit, profit. This is the module where we’ll show you the best times to buy a stock and the best times to realize your gains and pocket your profits. Yes, there are many investors out there who make paper gains but have no idea when to cash in. And when the stock price falls back down… they are back to square one. This won’t happen to you by the time you’ve gone through this module. You’ll know when to sell a stock to pocket the maximum returns from your investments.

Module 9: Strategic Portfolio Management
How To Optimize Your Stock Portfolio for Superior Performance
Once you have a portfolio of stocks, you need to know how to manage them so that each and every one of them is helping you build your wealth 24/7. We’ll also show you how smart portfolio management can optimize your stock weighting, lower your risk, and maximize your returns so you can achieve financial freedom a lot faster.
If that seems like a lot of information, it’s because IT IS. We want to make sure you get everything and we’re leaving no stone unturned.
The 9 modules are delivered via easy-to-use visual dashboard. You literally only have to point and click to go through all the lessons in a simple, step-by-step format to complete the Investment Quadrant course. The modules and lessons comes with graphs, charts, and illustrations to help you consume the course content even faster and easier.
In fact, together the workshops, you'll get so much insights and actionable strategies that you'll never look at investing the same way again...
Find Potential 10X Companies...
Reduce Your Risk...
Increase & Maximize Profit Potential...
Yes, there WILL be a lot to absorb, but it will be fun.
And at the end of the day, you have a choice to either keep figuring out what or when to invest and take charge of your future... building a portfolio that you can be proud of.
Yes, imagine making 70%, 80% or 200% return on investment in the stocks you pick starting this day forward...
Will that be helpful?
But that's not all.
You also get:
Our 7-Figure Stock Evaluation
Flow Charts & Checklists
($297 Value)
Profitable investing is simple, but never easy.
As such, we have broken down the complicated steps and put them into simple, easy-to-follow flow charts and checklists.
This way, you'll never be overwhelmed or lost on what to do next.
Each step in the flow chart is laid out for you.
All you need to do is to follow the process and you'll know for sure, if the stock is a buy/sell.
Everything is laid out nicely for you... it's literally a 'cheat' sheet or short-cut if you will...
In fact, once you've used this flow chart and checklists over and over again, you'll developed your own "investor instinct" and making money from stocks will become your second nature.

Exclusive 24/7 Ongoing Members-Only
Question & Answer Support
($1,997 Value)

Look, we really want you to GROW as an investor.
To be able to fish for your own fish and to make and grow your money over and over again...
That's really our goal.
That's also why we don't just want you to join The Investment Quadrant and leave you in a lurch when you finish. We understand that as comprehensive and complete our course may be, there will always be questions that you might have about the lessons or about investing in general. And we want to answer them for you.
As part of our commitment to you and your education, you also receive ongoing 24/7 Q&A support from your lead coaches in The Investment Quadrant.
Now we want to make clear that this isn't for us to give any stock recommendation (we aren't allowed to do that anyway) but this is a place for you to seek us out as coaches and ask us questions that will make you a better and smarter investor.
We just want you to know that we are here to support your growth and education if you choose to join us as an Investment Quadrant member.
The Investment Quadrant
LIVE Workshop
($997 Value)

Want a sneak peek at which stocks our portfolio holds?
How about us walking you through every step of the way in the stock selection process, applying everything we've covered in the Investment Quadrant?
Unlike other workshops, this special workshop is all about case studies and hands-on applicability.
And yes, we will be revealing some of the stocks in our current portfolio and we'll go through why we picked them and the investment rationale behind them.

This means that you get to pick our brains, compare stocks, and learn hands-on how to pick winning investments - LIVE!
Frankly, by the time you walk out of this workshop, we promise that you'll be instantly upgraded into a sharper, smarter investor who is able to better spot opportunities as they come.
What Does It Cost To Join
The Investment Quadrant Today?
What Does It Cost To Join The Investment Quadrant Today?
The Investment Quadrant is our most comprehensive training course to date.
And I can genuinely tell you that this course covers more depth than other courses out there that charge you thousands of dollars.
It's made for smart and serious people like you who really want to learn the ropes about investing without all the "feel-good" hype, fluff or noisy ra-ra.
First, in order for you to join as a member and get permanent access to the Investment Quadrant, it is a one-time investment of US$397/-. This covers all the time and resources invested to put this course together (which includes readable content, video lessons, checklists, flow charts, question & answer support, etc).
But we want to make this even better for you...
As such, this one-time investment is going to include any future updates and versions we make to the course content.
Yup, this means that it doesn't matter if it's Investment Quadrant 2.0, or 3.0 or even 4.0...
You Get These Upgrades For FREE
Yup, the current members are already enjoying this new 2.0 content upgrades at NO extra cost...
Once you're in the club, you are IN the club.
But here's another piece of good news...
Although we've said that the one-time fee for joining the Investment Quadrant today is $397/-, we also understand that the cost of living is creeping up, and every dollar saved is worth... every dollar.
From Now Until 12 May 2019
We Are Giving You A Straight $50 OFF
When You Join The Investment Quadrant Today
Yes, instead of the usual price, you can get access to everything the Investment Quadrant has to offer at only US$347/- nett.
No GST, no other hidden charges.
But Wait!
We Have More For You...
We've already said that the Investment Quadrant is our most comprehensive training course to date... and we really mean it that way.
And we also said that we really want you to grow and succeed as an investor... which is why we are going to give you everything to help you get there.
So apart from the $50 discount and the rights to any future upgrades...
When you join Investment Quadrant 3.0 today, you'll also get your hands on these amazing bonuses:
IQ Member Bonus #1
10 Complete,
Step-By-Step Winning
Investment Case Studies
($497 Value)

Want to finally see how we put together winning investments?
There's a saying that says that if you want to be successful, find someone who is already successful and model exactly what they do.
That's what these case studies are for -- the exact blueprint how we find and analyze our past winners.
More than just theory, we are going to show you exactly what goes through our mind, the research process, and the decisions that finally made us buy these winning stocks.

Yup, the case studies cover different industries and scenarios and by watching these videos, you get the full picture how to find and analyse potentially profitable stocks for yourself.
In fact, we have 10 of such winning case studies put together for you so that you will know exactly what to do when you encounter the same scenario in the near future.
IQ Member Bonus #2
The Investment Quadrant
Web Class Recordings
($1,997 Value)

You'll also have access to 8 web class recordings where we run through exactly how to go about analyzing a company with actual examples of real companies.
These video lessons are the perfect opportunity to pick the brains of your lead coaches and learn from their vast personal experience. These sessions alone will give you plenty of 'A-ha' moments - we guarantee it.
There are over 10 hours worth of insights and "knowledge bombs". You can watch them as many times as you like . This way, you'll never miss out on any vital piece of information that can potentially help double or triple your investment returns.
Yup, you get all these cool bonuses for FREE when you join us as an investment Quadrant member.
So are you excited about Investment Quadrant 3.0 yet?
If so, It's time to take action!
Let Me Show You Everything You Get
When You Join The Investment Quadrant Today
- The New, Updated Investment Quadrant System ($997)
- 7 Figure Flow Charts & Checklists ($297)
- The Private Member's Only Q&A Forum ($1,997)
- The Investment Quadrant LIVE Workshop ($997)
- Future Content Upgrades ($1,997)
- Investment Quadrant Web Class Recordings ($1,997)
- 10 Winning Investment Case Studies ($497)
- A Straight $50/- Discount ($50)
Get Started Today For $397.00
Just US$347
Test Out The Investment Quadrant 3.0
(You Have Absolutely Nothing To Lose)

We really want you to succeed and so we are putting our money where our mouth is. Here's how it works:
Our Iron-Clad 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
We can make this kind of guarantee only when we’re 100% certain that you find the content inside the course extremely powerful and useful – and we are. You get to experience the full product yourself with our risk-free, put-everything-in-your-hands guarantee. So go ahead and order The Investment Quadrant today. You have a full 30 days (more than enough time to go through the entire training) to see if this is right for you. If you are not satisfied with what you’ve paid for, just let us know and we’ll gladly refund ALL your money. No hassles. No hard feelings.
Simply, you have everything to gain and absolutely nothing to lose.
In fact, we're the ones that are pressured to hold on to our end of the bargain. How's that for fairness?
And that's just how serious we are about you getting the best out of this training course and how much we want you to succeed.
Time Is Ticking...
(And You Need To Be Really Fast)
With everything that you are going to get as an Investment Quadrant member, this is an offer that is too good to pass up -- In fact, we might never offer it again at this price in the future.
Then again, we can't stress just how time sensitive this is.
We are giving an extra $50/- discount and the two Super Bonuses if you join the Investment Quadrant today. The next year we re-open... we can't promise you that the offer will be the same.
Remember, you get permanent access and updates for a one-time fee...
So if you are still on the fence, let me just say that there really is no better time to get into the Investment Quadrant now.
And if you're thinking this is a marketing gimmick that we've come up with... you couldn't be more wrong. Because if you've seen our offers in the past, you know we really mean what we say.
Now if you are ready, click on the orange button below and it’ll prompt you to enter your payment details.
Once the transaction is approved, it will automatically direct you to a page to register your exclusive entry into the Investment Quadrant community.
Thank you for taking the time to read this letter… and we look forward to hearing from you soon.
The Fifth Person
The Investment Quadrant Closes In:
YES! I Am Ready To Join The
Investment Quadrant 3.0 Today!

If you are serious about learning about how to invest, you should order the Investment Quadrant today. It contains everything you need to know about value-growth investing that's presented in an easy step-by-step manner even a beginner can pick up! With unlimited updates to the training course itself, you are really in for a treat. So if you want to achieve stellar returns through smart, safe and successful investing, you really need to get this today.
P.P.S. Don’t put this off! Remember, you can get the course today and save $50.00 off the original fee. Once we raise prices, you might never see this discount again. So don’t wait – you snooze, you lose…
Frequently Asked Questions
What's the Difference Between Dividend Machines and Investment Quadrant?
Is Your System Restricted To Singapore & Malaysia Only?
Why Do You Charge In USD?
I Am Just Starting out. Will This Be Too Overwhelming For Me?
Why Is The Course So Cheap? There are Others Out There Charging Thousands For Seminars..
Do You Offer A Trial?
P.P.P.S. Remember, you are fully protected by our money-back guarantee. We promise you will become a better investor after going through the course and you’ll start making smarter investment choices that’ll help you grow your wealth faster. If you don’t like what you see, you can always email us and ask for a FULL refund. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain here; all the pressure’s on us to perform!
Yes, I Am Ready To Join The Investment Quadrant Today!